Ikea Corporate Social Responsibility efforts and Ethics

 IKEA research and analyze its Corporate Social Responsibility efforts and Ethics. Use textbook readings (chapter 3), to discuss the concepts adding examples from the company. Make sure to clearly distinguish between the two concepts of Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility. Cite all references used in your research. The paper should be a maximum of three […]

Health Information Exchanges

 Health Information Exchanges Better access to patient medical data by health care providers and their patients can improve the quality and safety of care and lower costs. Digital technologies and the advent of HIEs enable electronic information sharing that helps solve this problem, but building a secure and interoperable nationwide network of independent exchanges presents […]

Slosson oral reading test

 Write a 4-6 page test critique of the Slosson Oral Reading Test, elements described below, APA style, as outlined in the APA Manual, must be used. Points will be forfeited if proper format is not used. The following elements must be incorporated into a critique of psychological assessment instrument: *Test title *Publisher and date of […]

Identify a national foundation and it’s impact on a healthcare field

 Provide a clear and concise response to the assigned/selected topic. • All main points are well-developed; directly related to the topic. • Supporting examples are concrete and detailed. • Writing is fluid and free from spelling and grammatical errors. • References (if required) are precisely listed in APA format. • In-text citations are used correctly […]

Presentation: Marketing Channel Analysis

Read carefully and thoroughly. For this discussion talk about purchasing shoes online from DSW. Using the product you chose for your discussion, analyze in detail how the product is sold through different channels. Although all products may not sell through all channels, ensure that you consider in-store, direct mail, email, social media, word of mouth, and online […]

Cultural Experience

Write a report on one “cultural experience” the from Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture. (https://nmaahc.si.edu). The report should be written as if it was experienced in person. Include photos or links that help convey what was experienced. Be sure to document all sources you consult in preparing your work. Include the […]

Trade secret theft study

The purpose of this assignment is to determine when business assets may constitute intellectual property (IP), to analyze when an IP theft has occurred and possible remedies for IP theft, and to assess the importance of protecting and enforcing IP rights in a business setting. Read the following scenario. Futuretek sells high-tech computer chips and […]

Tackling Gangs and Youth Violence

CRJC 370- Special Topics: Gangs Writing Assignment Guidelines For this assignment, you will be required to write a research paper on any one of the issues we have discussed in class. This assignment is designed to allow students to do thorough research on a particular topic in order to generate an informed and educated opinion […]

Impact of Online Crowdsourcing on Marketing Strategy Paper

Evaluate an online crowdsourcing site. Examples include, Dell’s Ideastorm, and Starbucks. Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper in which you review a crowdsourcing site. Marketing has evolved in its relationship to customers. Marketing to consumers has shifted to marketing for consumers. Marketing for consumers has the power to choose whether they want to create a […]

Prospect Review

1. Prospect Review: 2-3 pages. Where would you apply? Identify a job or grad school program you are interested in. This should be a job or program that you would be qualified to apply for now, or upon completion of your degree program. Once you’ve identified where you will apply, it’s time to research the […]