Analyze the Student Work
Student Work Analysis
Use this document to record information/evidence from the sample student work. Evidence should consider the Core Actions. Evidence recorded will be integrated into the Feedback Summary worksheet.
Before analyzing student work, be sure to have first completed the student assignment.
General notes and observations about the task: |
1. Which standard(s) and/or cluster(s) are targeted in this assignment? Are they grade-level standards? 2. What is the mathematical purpose of the assignment? 3. What aspect(s) of Rigor (conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application) does the assignment address? Explain. |
After looking at student work: |
1. How did the directions and/or prompts for the assignment allow students to demonstrate the requirements of the targeted standard(s)? 2. How did the mathematical content of the assignment allow students to demonstrate the requirements of the targeted standard(s)? 3. What patterns do you notice in the student work? ● What did students do consistently well? ● Were there any common errors? |
July 2017
Student Work Analysis Worksheet
Student Work Sample |
What does the student’s work demonstrate about his/her understanding of the expectations of the assignment? |
What does the student’s work demonstrate about his/her proficiency with the requirements of the targeted standard? |
Student |
Student |
Student |
Student |
Student |
Note: For a collection of more than five samples of student work, print this page multiple times.