4-1 Discussion: Gestalt Therapy  Review the “Linda” case vignette located in the Module Four Resources. Linda agrees to work with you for several months,

4-1 Discussion: Gestalt Therapy  Review the “Linda” case vignette located in the Module Four Resources. Linda agrees to work with you for several months, and you will be using Gestalt procedures with her. At some point you might work with Linda’s feelings of anger and hurt toward her boyfriend. What Gestalt techniques can you think […]

3-1 Discussion: Existential vs. Person-Centered Therapy  Review the case vignette “Glenda” located in Module Three Resources. Assume that you are Glenda’s

3-1 Discussion: Existential vs. Person-Centered Therapy  Review the case vignette “Glenda” located in Module Three Resources. Assume that you are Glenda’s counselor and design a therapy plan for her. Which approach would you select: existential therapy or person-centered therapy? What are some of the benefits and shortcomings of using this approach? Please include in your […]

Instructions (contains spoilers): For this assignment, you will be required to read an article and answer a series of questions based on course material.

Instructions (contains spoilers): For this assignment, you will be required to read an article and answer a series of questions based on course material. In the article, Role of the Media in Promoting the Dehumanization of People Who Use Drugs, Habib and colleagues (2023) discuss several ways that the media dehumanizes people who use drugs […]

In an essay (750-1,000 words), respond to the following: Discuss the ways in which the values of the social work profession overlap with a Christian

In an essay (750-1,000 words), respond to the following: Discuss the ways in which the values of the social work profession overlap with a Christian worldview in the area of promoting social justice. Refer to Social Work Disposition #2: Value: Service; Ethical Principle: Social workers’ primary goal is to help people in need and to address social […]

There are two options for the assignment, and students are only required to complete one of them. Both options require that students take a social

There are two options for the assignment, and students are only required to complete one of them. Both options require that students take a social psychological principle and observe it in their daily lives. In the first option, Social Psychology in Action, students deliberately apply a social psychological principle to an action or series of actions they perform in […]

Hi,  I need to change my essay that O already wrote. My essay topic was Addressing mental health challenges in Canadian University Education. But I need to

Hi,  I need to change my essay that O already wrote. My essay topic was Addressing mental health challenges in Canadian University Education. But I need to change to essay topic  – Addressing mental health challenges in international students in Canadian Universities. I attached my essay here. So you need to change the essa according to […]