CSTU 101
The Learning Activities are short written assignments which require you to apply the knowledge
you have gained in a creative and subjective way.
Read over the appropriate Learning Activity instructions before you begin the module: week, so
you can be formulating a strategy for the assignment as you proceed through the material. Each
Learning Activity must be well-structured, be carefully edited and revised, and demonstrate
knowledge and application of the concepts studied in the readings for that module: week.
Each Learning Activity must be 300–350 words and include the word count in parentheses. If
any outside sources are used, they must adhere to current APA format.
You will first submit a draft of each Learning Activity to be checked through Turnitin so you can
make adjustments prior to your final submission. Please note that the draft submission is
optional. Submit your draft by Thursday at 11:59 P.M. (ET) before the final assignment is due in
order to receive feedback on it.
In Chapter 17 of your textbook you read about the development of the university and its various
intellectual expressions of entertainment, such as in literature and several styles of visual and
performing arts. These forms of expression included the literary, visual, and performative
representation of values and ideas of the culture in Europe at the time. The university provided
Western Culture with newly expanded views of Science and Liberal Arts, including philosophy
and theology. These developments had an influence on the direction that the culture was headed.
Literary- could be spoken or written account of connected events; story.
Visual- (paintings, sculptures, textiles, architecture)
Performing Arts- (dance, film, music, theatre, performance art).
In America and Western Culture today, how do the areas of modern-day education (university)
and our forms of arts and entertainment (literary, visual, performing arts) affect the development
of values and ideas of Western Culture? Please give examples and specific areas as well as how
they affect Western Culture. Your discourse must indicate that you have an understanding of this
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.