Miami Dade College Wk 7 Health and Medical Discussion Nursing Assignment Help

1. Discuss the steps required to submit research to a professional journal, and what you feel will be the biggest obstacle? Why?

2. Read the article on the impact of maternal prenatal smoking on the development of childhood overweight in school-aged childrenLinks to an external site. from the WCU library. Is the article quantitative, qualitative, or something else? State the study design, research question, and the strength and limitations of the study. Can the study results be generalized? Why or why not?

3. Initial Response: Consider what you’ve learned about the topic you presented. Topic: Develop a treatment plan for a patient diagnosed with cirrhosis.

How does this topic relate to something you might see in clinical practice?

Which ideas make the most sense and why?

How does this topic to current events?

What might make this problem more treatable?   

Expert Solution Preview

In this response, we will address the questions regarding research submission to a professional journal, the analysis of a research article, and the application of a topic related to clinical practice. Each question will be answered separately.

1. Discuss the steps required to submit research to a professional journal, and what you feel will be the biggest obstacle? Why?

Submitting research to a professional journal involves several steps. These steps typically include the following:

1. Selection of an appropriate journal: Researchers must identify a journal that aligns with the scope and focus of their research. Considering the target audience and the journal’s impact factor is crucial in selecting the right publication.

2. Understanding submission guidelines: Researchers need to carefully review the submission guidelines provided by the journal. These guidelines outline specific formatting requirements, citation styles, word limits, and manuscript structure. Following these guidelines is essential to ensure the research meets the journal’s criteria.

3. Preparing the manuscript: Researchers should ensure that their manuscript is well-written, clear, and concise. The research should be presented logically, supported by relevant data, and aligned with the journal’s scope. Proper referencing and acknowledging contributions from other researchers is also crucial.

4. Submission process: Researchers typically submit their work through an online submission portal provided by the journal. The manuscript is uploaded along with other required documents, such as author information, cover letter, and any supplementary materials.

5. Peer review: After submission, the manuscript undergoes a rigorous peer review process. Experts in the relevant field assess the quality, validity, and significance of the research. They provide feedback, suggestions for improvement, and recommendations for acceptance, revision, or rejection.

6. Revision and resubmission: If the manuscript requires revisions, researchers must carefully address all reviewer comments and suggestions. Revised manuscripts are then resubmitted for further evaluation.

7. Final acceptance and publication: Once the manuscript meets all the journal’s requirements and receives final approval, it is accepted for publication. The research is then published in the journal, making it accessible to the scientific community.

The biggest obstacle in submitting research to a professional journal is often the peer review process. Reviewers may challenge the methodology, interpretation of results, or significance of the research. Researchers must be receptive to feedback, willing to make revisions, and able to address any concerns raised during the review process. Overcoming these obstacles requires resilience, persistence, and open-mindedness.

2. Read the article on the impact of maternal prenatal smoking on the development of childhood overweight in school-aged children. From the WCU library. Is the article quantitative, qualitative, or something else? State the study design, research question, and the strength and limitations of the study. Can the study results be generalized? Why or why not?

The article “Impact of maternal prenatal smoking on the development of childhood overweight in school-aged children” from the WCU library is a quantitative study. It primarily focuses on analyzing numerical data to draw conclusions.

Study design: The study design for this research article is likely observational, specifically cohort study design. The researchers would have gathered data by tracking a group of participants over a period of time, assessing variables such as maternal prenatal smoking and the development of childhood overweight.

Research question: The main research question addressed in this article is whether maternal prenatal smoking impacts the development of childhood overweight in school-aged children.

Strengths and limitations: The strengths of this study may include a large sample size, longitudinal data collection, and statistical analysis techniques. However, limitations may include reliance on self-reported data, potential confounding variables, and the inability to establish direct causation between maternal prenatal smoking and childhood overweight.

Generalizability of results: The generalizability of the study results may be limited. The research focuses on a specific population (school-aged children), and the impact of maternal prenatal smoking may differ in different populations or cultural contexts. Additionally, the presence of confounding variables and potential biases may limit the applicability of the results to other settings.

3. Initial Response: Consider what you’ve learned about the topic you presented. Topic: Develop a treatment plan for a patient diagnosed with cirrhosis.

How does this topic relate to something you might see in clinical practice?

The topic of developing a treatment plan for a patient diagnosed with cirrhosis is highly relevant to clinical practice. Cirrhosis is a chronic liver disease that clinicians frequently encounter, and it requires comprehensive management to improve patient outcomes. In clinical practice, healthcare professionals are regularly involved in diagnosing and treating patients with cirrhosis, considering factors such as the underlying cause, severity of liver damage, and potential complications.

Which ideas make the most sense and why?

In treating cirrhosis, several ideas make the most sense from a clinical perspective. These include:

1. Identification and management of the underlying cause: Treating the underlying causes of cirrhosis, such as chronic alcohol abuse or viral hepatitis, is crucial to slow down or halt disease progression.

2. Lifestyle modifications: Encouraging patients to make lifestyle changes, such as abstaining from alcohol, maintaining a healthy diet, and engaging in regular exercise, can improve liver function and overall well-being.

3. Symptom control: Addressing specific symptoms associated with cirrhosis, such as ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, or variceal bleeding, is important to improve the patient’s quality of life.

4. Monitoring and surveillance: Regular monitoring of liver function, imaging studies, and cancer screening are essential to detect disease progression, complications, or the development of hepatocellular carcinoma.

How does this topic relate to current events?

Cirrhosis remains a significant health issue globally, and recent medical advancements and research have focused on improving the understanding and management of this condition. Current events in the field of hepatology may involve breakthroughs in treatment options, advances in liver transplantation techniques, or studies exploring novel therapeutic targets for cirrhosis.

What might make this problem more treatable?

Improved patient education programs, early detection of cirrhosis through screening measures, and the development of targeted therapies can make this problem more treatable. Collaborative efforts among healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers are necessary to create comprehensive strategies for the prevention, early diagnosis, and effective management of cirrhosis.

In conclusion, addressing the steps of research submission, analyzing a research article, and relating a topic to clinical practice provides valuable insights into different aspects of medical education and practice. Effective communication of healthcare knowledge and continuous learning are essential for medical college students to become proficient healthcare professionals.

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