Six months ago tornadoes tore through metropolitan Mobile. Luckily, University of Strops was largely unaffected, however after the disaster, the

 Six months ago tornadoes tore through metropolitan Mobile. Luckily, University of Strops was largely unaffected, however after the disaster, the administration realized they needed to update their emergency action plan. The athletic director has asked your firm to create an emergency action plan for the department. Based on the information provided, and your own research, […]

  Students will evaluate the website Enslaved and Freed African Muslims: Spiritual Wayfarers in the South and Low country and learn the impact of

  Students will evaluate the website Enslaved and Freed African Muslims: Spiritual Wayfarers in the South and Low country and learn the impact of religion in the Black experience. Students will will evaluate the Enslaved and Freed African Muslims: Spiritual Wayfarers in the South and Low country. What impact did Islam and African spiritual systems […]

Instructions Review the feedback you received on the two lessons you built for the Week 8 assignment. Incorporate the suggested improvements from the

Instructions Review the feedback you received on the two lessons you built for the Week 8 assignment. Incorporate the suggested improvements from the feedback, addressing areas needing further development. Then, build a third lesson in Canvas, including the following: Develop an engaging welcome message. Develop clearly stated learning objectives. Choose at least one informative, engaging […]

  As we’ve seen throughout this course, technology plays a critical role in shaping the direction of eLearning. Looking to the future, what technologies

  As we’ve seen throughout this course, technology plays a critical role in shaping the direction of eLearning. Looking to the future, what technologies do you predict will be added to eLearning in the next five or ten years, and what potential benefits and challenges might these new technologies bring? Support your predictions with research.

  Please respond to the following: Identify and obtain a copy of a published research article, or another research report, on a topic of interest to you

  Please respond to the following: Identify and obtain a copy of a published research article, or another research report, on a topic of interest to you (Education). Based on the various guidelines and suggestions presented in Chapter 14 of Introduction to Educational Research, (i.e., conventions of style, conventions of format, and guidelines for presenting […]

Module 5 Discussion (Objective 5). Organizational effectiveness provides outward indices of leadership in action.  For example, transformational

Module 5 Discussion (Objective 5). Organizational effectiveness provides outward indices of leadership in action.  For example, transformational leaders seeks to empower team members by moving them beyond immediate self-interest towards the achievement of organizational goals. To provide you with deeper insight into organizational activities that intersect with leadership in action, a data source (Raes et […]