A Study of Sustainability: Identify the name of the organisation and

Environmentalists tell us we cannot continue to consume resources at the rate we currently do. If BRICS countries develop to consume resources at the same rate as the USA we will need 6 Planet Earths to sustain that life style. This reality is stark. It means we need to change the way we live. Businesses […]

For an organisation of your choice (a product or service provider is

Your audit should contain the following: 1.A situational analysis including organisational goals, context and competitor activity. 2.A review of the internal strengths and weaknesses of the organisation. 3.The establishment of marketing objectives that support the organisational goals set out in section 1. 4.The development of outline marketing activities (4Ps or 7Ps) including a planning timetable […]

The current performance of the selected organisation.

You will need to do (max 1300 words) that addresses the current issues and/or problems that the organisation is encountering. The report should be structured so that it focuses upon: 1. The current performance of the selected organisation. (150 words) 2. The organisation’s competitive environment. (350 words) 3. The reasons for the current performance (this […]


Tasks 1 (b) to 1 (c) – 1,250 words Guidance notes: ORGANISATION OVERVIEW GUIDELINES The organisation overview is intended to provide context on the chosen organisation and must not exceed one side of A4 paper. The following headings should be used as guidance: • Organisation name • Organisation information – To include type of organisation, […]